Savings Calculator
See how your savings grow over time. (Scroll down for help.)
- Years
- The number of years for which you will be collecting interest and making monthly contributions.
- Interest Rate
- The yearly interest rate you will earn.
- Initial Balance
- The amount of funds you will have to start with.
- Monthly Contribution
- Amount you will contribute monthly to the account. Enter zero for none.
- Show Monthly Breakdown
- Whether or not you want to see a monthly breakdown of balance and interest. Only works for 20 year term or less. Enabling this option may make the calculator take longer to perform the calculations.
- Final Balance
- The total amount of funds you will have after the given number of years.
- Interest Earned
- How much total interest you will have earned over the given number of years. This is included in the final balance.
- Funds Contributed
- How much of YOUR money was contributed over the duration. (Final Balance minus Interest Earned)
- m#
- The breakdown for the given month number (1 through 12) for each year. Only shown if 'Show Monthly Breakdown' is checked.
- (I: ##)
- The interest earned for this month or year.